Category: Monthly & Financial Updates


The Future is Uncertain

You probably clicked on this post because the title was relatable in a certain way. How did it make you feel? Vulnerable? Scared? Expecting to read how we’re headed for the biggest economic collapse since 1930? Or maybe excited, interested? Or simply indifferent? Whatever the case is, if you’re reading this blog you’re most probably …


On Sticking to Your Strategy – (Written During the 2020 Recession)

This post was written during the market crash of March 2020, before the recession was officially announced. But it’s evergreen content – you’ll have the unique opportunity to see how an investor was thinking during the crisis. Enjoy the unedited version:   I guess this post qualifies as a monthly update. However, what I’ll share …


Handle a Stock Market Correction the Right Way (February 2020)

Let’s summarize the month: the quickest correction since the great depression. How do you feel about it? Let me tell you about myself. I feel exactly the same as during the bull run. Indifferent. Seeing green and red numbers changing day after day while I have absolutely no intention of converting them into cash in …

Bitcoin Price Forecast for 2020 and 2021

I struggled with the dilemma of writing a post like this for a long time. However, I feel like it’s almost a last chance to express my thoughts before it’s too late. But first thing first… Read this carefully: I have zero interest in you investing in Bitcoin. Absolutely nothing. This post doesn’t contain affiliate …

letter to my future self

A Letter to My Future Self

Congratulations! After nearly a decade of hard hustle you reached the status of being financially independent. I’m writing this post… This letter, whatever, to address some of the concerns you may or may not have at this moment. To be honest, I’m pretty sure you don’t have them… But being careful as you know we are, let’s …

Yearly Recap (2019)

There it is. An end to a great year and eagerness to make the next one even better. But hey, this is both a monthly update and an end of year post. So first thing first – as a personal finance / FIRE blog owner, I have the obligation to report my portfolio performance. 🙂 So …


Recession Prediction and the Media

This post was written in September 2019, but it has evergreen value. It can be an eye opening experience if you compare it to the Recession Predictions of the Media at any point in time in the future. Here’s a chart of the S&P 500 during September: But is it really that good? Isn’t it …


Do FIRE Updates Make Sense? (August 2019)

Hello, dear readers. In the last monthly update I was talking about why a continuous reporting of an asset allocation doesn’t make much sense. In summary, once an allocation is defined there shouldn’t be any significant swings in the ratios. However, while holding volatile assets independently of your strategic asset allocation, there will be changes in …

My Asset Allocation (July 2019)

A good month, as usual. I was thinking about the format of my monthly update posts, especially the Asset Allocation part. Basically, if one has a defined allocation, there is not much to report about it on monthly basis. Yes, the proportions will shift a little bit, but during rebalancing they’ll come back to their …

FIREhub Interview, Stocks & Crypto Gains, Career Opportunities (June 2019 Update)

Note: This post was written at the last day of the month (30th of June), same as every other monthly update. However, due to travel and unreliable internet connection, I’m posting it 3 days later. The numbers, data, and thoughts are based on the reality as of 30th of June. Enjoy! FIREhub Interview So, first …