Once it clicks, the inevitability of Bitcoin becomes so obvious that there’s no going back. This is especially common with people that have a more-than-basic understanding of the economic framework we all live in. It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, …
You might have seen the “Money Printer” meme. It’s been all around the internet since the last economic crisis. In case you’re not sure to what extent the money printer impacts your life, you’re at the right place. Before we begin, I’d recommend giving this terrifying 2 minute video a watch. This is Christine Lagarde, the …
On 06.02.2021, I was censored on the r/EuropeFIRE subreddit. The TLDR version: I started a thread to address some of the users’ questions and misconceptions regarding an asset class that seemed boycotted on the sub. Within a few minutes, my post was removed. The details are below. The Full Story It all started while I …
How to do what you love? After years of contemplating this question, I’m confident to say that I figured it out. And the best part is that I can answer it in a single sentence. However, in order to relate to such an information dense summary without misunderstanding it, we need to cover some ground …
“Do I need Financial Independence?” You asked and came to the right place. Although nobody can answer a lifestyle question for a third party, I firmly believe that reading the 100 facts below will help you make your own mind up. But beware, it starts light but gets crueler as you read on. You need to …
I didn’t learn anything new. But there are a handful of things I confirmed. 1. I’m not sacrificing anything for FIRE Many unprepared people were hit hard by the cruel reality of a global recession. Some of them suffered and didn’t adapt, but many accepted this “new way of life” and saw the beauty of a …
We all have misconceptions. A field that’s especially misunderstood by the average person is personal finance. People are prone to believe various myths about money and end up sad, poor, and frustrated as a consequence. This post is aimed to that segment of the general population – the people who think money is evil, that …
Passive income – the holy grail of the FIRE pursuit. In this post, I’ll share how I made approximately $40k in a single month. But first, why are you here? Most probably because you find the idea of earning 5 digits in a month (without exchanging your time for it) somewhat exciting. On the other …
This is technically a monthly update from October 2020. However, it’s evergreen content and specifically written to be read from the future. As I said in the post itself: if you’re reading this after 2020 and you missed the opportunity, this is for you. It’s a monthly update post again, so let’s kick it off as usual: BTC …
For most people, reaching financial independence means surpassing a certain threshold in terms of net-worth. Although this makes sense for many cases, for me, reaching FIRE is more than just a number. Let me explain. Last year, I wrote a post describing why I think FIRE Updates Don’t Make Sense. And I still think they …