
Mutual Funds & Index Funds

How does becoming an investor feel? I must admit that I’m a bit jealous that you’re going through the basics for the first time – I remember the process as lots of fun, gaining knowledge

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Introduction to Index Investing

In the previous Become an Investor post I gave an introduction to stocks and bonds. Understanding how these instruments work is crucial and required in order to start investing. However, although having the knowledge and

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Introduction to Stocks and Bonds

In the previous post I explained what investing is and isn’t. Make sure to start there if you’re new to investing. To refresh our memory: investing is allocating resources into something and expecting some form

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What is Investing?

Welcome to the Become an Investor series – the place where you will learn everything you need to know to start investing as an amateur individual investor. No prerequisite knowledge is required, as the posts will

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